Guide for the Assessment of Cacao Quality and Flavour

The Guide for the Assessment of Cacao Quality and Flavour, launched on September 25th, 2023 was showcased in a webinar where over 370 attendees were presented with it contents and discussed its relevance for the cacao sector. Watch the webinar launch, further below!

Guide for the Assessment of Cacao Quality and Flavour
This Guide offers precise instructions for the establishment of cacao processing and assessment facilities and the creation of sensory evaluation panels with a strong scientific and technical foundation. Its objective is to empower cacao producers, enabling them to enhance the quality of their cacao products. By equipping industry professionals with essential knowledge and tools, this guide seeks to strengthen capacity throughout the cacao value chain, with a particular emphasis on cacao-producing origins.
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Guía para la Evaluación de la Calidad y el Sabor del Cacao
Esta Guía ofrece instrucciones precisas para el establecimiento de instalaciones de procesamiento y evaluación del cacao y la creación de paneles de evaluación sensorial con una sólida base científica y técnica. Su objetivo es empoderar a los productores de cacao, permitiéndoles mejorar la calidad de sus productos de cacao. Al equipar a los profesionales de la industria con conocimientos y herramientas esenciales, esta guía busca fortalecer la capacidad en toda la cadena de valor del cacao, con especial énfasis en los países de origen del cacao.
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Guide pour l'évaluation de la qualité et de la saveur du cacao
Ce guide propose des instructions précises pour la mise en place d'installations de transformation et d'évaluation du cacao et la création de panels d'évaluation sensorielle reposant sur des bases scientifiques et techniques solides. Son objectif est de donner aux producteurs de cacao les moyens d'améliorer la qualité de leurs produits. En dotant les professionnels de l'industrie de connaissances et d'outils essentiels, ce guide vise à renforcer les capacités tout au long de la chaîne de valeur du cacao, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur les origines des producteurs de cacao.
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Guida alla valutazione della qualità e sapore del cacao
Questa Guida offre istruzioni precise per la creazione di strutture di lavorazione e valutazione del cacao e per la creazione di panel di valutazione sensoriale con una solida base scientifica e tecnica. Il suo obiettivo è quello di responsabilizzare i produttori di cacao, consentendo loro di migliorare la qualità dei loro prodotti. Dotando i professionisti del settore di conoscenze e strumenti essenziali, questa guida mira a rafforzare le capacità lungo tutta la catena del valore del cacao, con particolare attenzione alle origini dei produttori di cacao.
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Unlocking Excellence in Cacao Quality & Flavour: Your Comprehensive Resource
The cacao sector has long grappled with challenges stemming from the absence of commonly agreed standardised protocols for evaluating cacao quality and flavour, as well as the lack of a common language to describe the sensory experience of cacao. These issues have impeded effective communication and understanding between producers and buyers, disproportionately affecting farmers in developing countries who strive to cultivate and sell superior quality cacao deserving of higher prices.
Cacao of Excellence is proud to unveil a groundbreaking initiative aimed at addressing these long-standing issues — the Guide for the Assessment of Cacao Quality and Flavour. This comprehensive guide was developed and led by Cacao of Excellence, a neutral platform convening the public and private sector around quality and diversity, together with an extensive network of academic and sector experts. It received funding support from various partners, most notably the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) project MOCCA ‘Maximising Opportunities for Coffee and Cacao in the Americas’.
Why This Guide Matters
To overcome these obstacles and meet the changing needs of consumers, it is imperative that we establish credible, reliable, and standardised methods for assessing cacao quality and flavour. The Guide offers detailed protocols for evaluating cacao in various forms — from unroasted cacao beans, to cacao mass, to chocolate — developed by a diverse group of experts over several years. This creates a universal language for describing cacao attributes, facilitating shared understanding among cacao professionals globally.
"The Guide for the Assessment of Cacao Quality and Flavour represents a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance the sustainability of the cacao sector,” said Juan Lucas Restrepo, Director General of the Alliance of Bioversity International and the Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), and leader of Cacao of Excellence. "Our objective is to transform the cacao sector towards a more differentiated higher-value crop and segmented market where quality and flavour diversity drive value. This, in turn, will allow producers to command fairer prices and gain recognition in the global market."
A Collective Endeavor
The development of this Guide has been a collective effort spanning several years, drawing upon the expertise of stakeholders across the cacao sector. Its inception began in 2015 when an informal working group, coordinated by the neutral platform Cacao of Excellence, explored the establishment of international standards for cacao quality and flavour assessment. In 2017 and 2019, individual protocols were developed and reviewed extensively by members of the working group and diverse stakeholders from the cacao sector. Between 2018 to 2022, a meticulous external review and refinement process involving more than 100 people from over 30 countries has culminated in the comprehensive Guide presented here.
A Trusted Resource
By June 30, 2023, more than 1,500 individuals from 105 countries had already downloaded these protocols. Producers, buyers, traders, manufacturers, researchers, and development experts have all contributed their knowledge and experience to ensure the Guide's relevance and applicability. Their collective input has made this Guide a valuable reference manual for all stakeholders in the cacao value chain.
Empowering Producers
The vision for this Guide is ambitious yet achievable. Cacao of Excellence envisions it becoming the go-to resource for quality and flavour assessments, training programmes, and the establishment of national standards for cacao quality and flavour. This includes the setup of laboratories and sensory evaluation panels. Our mission is to empower producers to better understand the quality of their cacao, connect with higher-value markets, and receive objective feedback for improving pre- and post-harvest processes.
In a world where cacao quality and flavour are paramount, this Guide is your roadmap to excellence. Explore its comprehensive protocols, harness its collective wisdom, and let it be your guide to unlocking the full potential of cacao in the global market.