CNRA Lab Head Completes Specialised Training at Cacao of Excellence Lab

Cote d'Ivoire's National Centre for Agronomic Research trained in application of the standards for assessing cacao quality and flavour

Rome, Italy, [21 August] – Cacao of Excellence is proud to announce the successful completion of a specialised training programme for Patricia Abo N’Goran, Head of Laboratory at the Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) in Bingerville, Côte d’Ivoire. The training, which took place from July 12th to August 1st at the Cacao of Excellence R&D Laboratory and Training Centre in Rome, Italy, was designed to deepen her expertise in cacao quality assessment and provide her with valuable exposure to the wide diversity of cacao samples studied by the Cacao of Excellence Laboratory.

Funded by the African Development Bank, this intensive 12-day programme focused on transferring essential methodologies, standards, and technical knowledge critical to cacao research and production. Patricia's training was led by Sebastian Escobar, Head of the Cacao of Excellence Laboratory, and Dorine Kassi, valued member of the Cacao of Excellence Technical Committee (TC) and expert in the West African cacao sector. 

The programme emphasised the use of standards for evaluating cacao quality, focusing on internationally recognised protocols for cacao processing and a standardised language for assessing cacao quality and flavour, as detailed in the Cacao of Excellence Guide for the Assessment of Cacao Quality and Flavour. Under the expert guidance of Sebastian and Dorine, Patricia trained in every stage of cacao bean analyis, processing and chocolate making, from physical evaluation to the creation of cacao mass, as well as in tasting exercises to explore and describe the diverse flavours and aromas of cacao.

"This training has been incredibly enriching, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with the Cacao of Excellence team. I am eager to apply the knowledge and practices I’ve gained here to enhance our research and production capabilities at CNRA," said Patricia.

Throughout her time at the Cacao of Excellence Laboratory, Patricia immersed herself in the processes and standards that define the Lab’s work. She gained deep insights into the global diversity of cacao and its complex flavour profiles, enhancing her skills in sensory analysis and data interpretation, for further dissemination with her colleagues at the CNRA lab.

"Patricia's dedication and enthusiasm have been impressive. Her experience here underscores the importance of continuous learning and the exchange of best practices in the cacao sector," commented Sebastian. He added, "Patricia is more than ready to share her expertise with her colleagues and deepen their understanding of the standards and common language as described in our Guide."

"It's inspiring to see professionals like Patricia bring these valuable insights back to their communities. Her efforts will undoubtedly contribute to elevating the quality of cacao in Côte d’Ivoire and beyond," added Dorine.

Patricia's training at the Cacao of Excellence Laboratory is expected to play a pivotal role in advancing quality cacao research and processing standards in Côte d’Ivoire, benefiting not only the CNRA but also the broader cacao community in the region.

About Cacao of Excellence 

Cacao of Excellence, hosted by the CGIAR’s Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), is a neutral global platform that brings together the public and private sectors to discover, promote, empower, and reward cacao producers of excellence from all origins. Focusing on superior cacao quality and flavour diversity, Cacao of Excellence aims to drive the expansion of superior quality cacao, improve the livelihoods of cacao producers, and safeguard cacao diversity for the benefit of farmers, consumers, and the planet. 

About CNRA 

The Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) in Bingerville, Côte d'Ivoire, is a leading agricultural research institute dedicated to advancing agricultural science and technology. CNRA focuses on research for key cash crops such as cacao, coffee, oil palm, and rubber, which are vital to the Ivorian economy. The institute promotes innovation, sustainable farming practices, and capacity building, directly impacting local farming communities and contributing to environmental conservation and food security. 

About the African Development Bank 

The Banque Africaine de Développement (African Development Bank) is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. The Bank's primary objective is to reduce poverty, improve living conditions, and mobilise resources for the economic and social development of its regional member countries. It provides financial and technical assistance to support development projects and programmes that foster economic integration and sustainable development. 

